If you are new to an area or traveling, you may be interested in finding a group of women with whom to break a few clays.
Lowcountry Annie Oakleys
Forest City Gun Club in Savannah, GA
Nancy Thomas
Red Hills Annie Oakley Shooters
The Ranges at Oakfield
Bri Whigham
229 221 3051
Sure Shot Annies
We are a moving target! Our shoots are held in Central and Southeastern Florida.
Dyana Goss
Charleston Annies
Kiawah Island Club Sporting Club in Kiawah Island, South Carolina
Peggy Watkins
Lake Country Annies
Old Hudson Plantation Sporting Clays, Sparta, Georgia
Jan White

Annie Charms
H.G. Robertson Silver and Gifts
The Annie Charm is a flat disc of mirrored silver, edged in 18K gold with the crossed guns and bow logo also in 18K gold. The guns are mounted on a silver disc producing a three dimensional effect. The charms come in two sizes:
1.5 inches in diameter and 1 inch in diameter.
To order Annie charms, contact Bruce Grant @ 404-266-1330
Hand Engraved Annie Silver Cuff Bracelet
To commemorate 20 Years of Annies, we have designed this beautiful hand engraved silver cuff bracelet. In you are interested in purchasing one of these gorgeous commemorative bracelets, please contact:
Casey Cochran at his website: www.reveredmettle.com
Note: Each of the women’s shooting groups listed under Annie Friends is autonomous. Each of these groups has been organized and their policies determined by the members in each individual group.
If you are part of a women’s shooting group and would like to be included on this list of Annie Friends, shoot us an email.