Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor for our upcoming Annie Oakley Tournament. Sponsorships benefit the Shepherd Center’s SHARE Military Initiative.
Since 2016, our Tournament has raised over $117,000 for this program, helping veterans and their families. We look forward to your help in raising money and awareness for this program.
Click this link for an article about our Tournament: Shepherd Center Spinal Column Spring 2018
Scroll to see each sponsorship level with benefits
All shooters receive complimentary access to Celebration + Awards following the Tournament
Platinum: $5,000
8 shooters (two 4-person squads)
8 non-shooting guest passes to Celebration + Awards following Tournament ($400 value)
16 raffle tickets ($220 value)
2 sponsorship gifts ($100 value)
Round-trip transportation for 16 individuals from Shepherd Center to Burge ($640 value | must be confirmed by October 26)
Opportunity to rent limited lodging at Burge (first-come-first-serve | you are responsible for all costs)
Company logo on invitations
Company logo on signage at tournament station
Recognition on Annie Oakley Shooters website with link to your company
Sponsor name badge for each shooter
Sponsor name badge for each non-shooting guest
Specially-designed Tournament pin for each shooter
Gold: $2,500
4 shooters
4 non-shooting guest passes to Celebration + Awards following Tournament ($200 value)
8 raffle tickets ($160 value)
1 sponsorship gift ($50 value)
Round-trip transportation for 8 individuals from Shepherd Center to Burge ($320 value | must be confirmed by October 26)
Opportunity to rent limited lodging at Burge (first-come-first-serve | you are responsible for all costs)
Company logo on invitations
Company logo on signage at tournament station
Recognition on Annie Oakley Shooters website with link to your company
Sponsor name badge for each shooter
Sponsor name badge for each non-shooting guest
Specially-designed Tournament pin for each shooter
Silver: $1,200
2 shooters
2 non-shooting guest passes to Celebration + Awards following Tournament
4 raffle tickets
Company logo on invitations
Company logo on signage at tournament station
Recognition on Annie Oakley Shooters website with link to your company
Sponsor name badge for each shooter
Sponsor name badge for each non-shooting guest
Specially-designed Tournament pin for each shooter
Bronze: $600
1 shooter
1 raffle ticket
Company logo on invitations
Company logo on signage at tournament station
Recognition on Annie Oakley Shooters website with link to your company
Sponsor name badge for shooter
Specially-designed Tournament pin for shooter
Shell Sponsor:
Any amount is greatly appreciated
Other Options:
Individual Shooter: $250
Celebration + Awards: $50 (all shooters and volunteers receive complimentary access, this item is for non-shooting guests)
Round-trip from Shepherd Center to Burge: $40 (no refund after October 26)
Mulligans: $20 (limit two | cash only at Tournament)
Raffle tickets: $20 for one ticket OR $100 for ten tickets (at Tournament)