About Annie Oakley Shooters
We are a diverse group of women shooters–young and not so young, professional women and stay-at-home moms, peashooters and sharpshooters. We have no formal membership, and no dues, but we collectively form a group known as the Annie Oakley Shooters.
The second Monday in every month; rain or shine, holiday or not, we shoot together on Annie Mondays. We always offer instruction for new shooters and those who request it, or one can shoot the course for practice. At noon we gather for lunch and announcements, and then back to Atlanta for carpooling or to the office. We make it easy, familiar and comfortable to be a part of the Annies. The dream for a group of collegial women shooters has come true. Today, we average between 40-50 women in attendance on Annie Mondays. We continue to offer inspiration and advice for the formation of new women’s shooting programs.